About Us

The country encountered a new day dawn in the political history last May 2010. Much has been said about Philippine election as a lawless and bloody process that encompasses lives and money. The ramifications of a unreliable process have seen much of our progress stagnated, only to be taken away from us from our birthright.

It is said that technology will unite as all. This is evident of what has already happened in the middle east, multitudes of citizens have asserted their rights against their authoritarian governments. This was inevitable, but technology help hasten and strengthen their resolve. It has already resulted to the deposition of the leaders of such authoritarian regimes, and has helped usher in a new era of govnernance that is free from self-interests and promises a practice of transparency.

Contrast that to the 2010 automated polls, those who proposed said polls to be automated intended that the faults of manual voting be erased, especially those associated with unfair practices. As machines can sometimes be subject to human interference, compared to humans, such machines cannot be prone to emotion and self-interest. Although the human element in operating said machines cannot be removed, the fact that there is lesser contact with humans would mean it is at lesser risk from the faults inherently present in each human being.

However, in the present case there is still much progress to be made. Last May 2010 was just the beginning of a long process. We hope to make the transition easy for all of you readers with the content we aim to provide in this website. In conclusion, we would like to thank your support. 

God bless this country.

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