Our site has two partner sites that also have similar, noble intentions. These sites are also advocacies specialized in different fields that concern our societies' problems. Read below to know more about these sites.
Child Protection | Legal Aid
A brainchild of fellow classmates of law at the university of Cebu, Child Protection(URL: http://antichildtraffickinglegalaid.blogspot.com/ ) is a site that provides information as well as legal aid relating to violations against children. To visit the site, click the image below, as it will load a new window for the site.
START(Sugbo Talks Against Red Tape)
Got caught up in government bureaucrap(pun intended)? Unfortunately, you are not alone. START(Sugbo Talks Against Red Tape) is an idea also from our fellow classmates at University of Cebu. Here the site focuses on Red Tape. In the site you will find laws related to red tape such as RA 9485. There are also downloadable forms available in the site. Another added feature is a forum wherein you can air out your frustrations when dealing with red tape. Click the image below to go to the site.