Files and Documents

This page contains documents such as tables of facts and figures. This page will be updated frequently.

Ongoing Registration Count for the Month of September for Cebu North District

This provides data as to the number of people coming from different precincts who have registered for the coming 2013 elections. This report is about the precincts coming from the North District. The report includes the barangay as well as the number of precincts. The report is up to date as of September 13, 2011.

Direct link for the file can be found HERE.

Consolidated Quarterly Progress Report North

Below is a quarterly progress report of all the registered voters in the North District for the 2nd Quarter of 2011.

You may access the file HERE.

Consolidated Quarterly Progress Report South

Below is a link to a report that provides the latest data as to the number of registrants who are already registered, thanks to the system of continuing registration. There will be more reports in the future when more citizens will register for the coming 2013 elections. The report is up to date as of August 5, 2011.

The details of the report can be found HERE.

Electoral Protest - Petition of Disqualification(North District)

This is a petition for disqualification filed by a candidate for a local position here in Cebu. The local candidate alleges that his opponent violated some election campaign guidelines, which is why the candidate is pushing for  this petition.

The details of the petition can be found HERE.

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