Monday, October 3, 2011

Our site is featured in Cebu Daily News

On October 3, 2011, Cebu Daily News(CDN), a local daily featured the three websites including our very own website, ECARE. The other websites, which can be found in the partner sites page of this site, include the Child Protection Online Legal Aid, Sugbo Talks Against Red Tape” (START). To access the two sites click on this LINK.

Here is an excerpt of the news article:

Law students of the University of Cebu-Banilad campus are bringing the information campaign about government red tape, elections, and child protection online with the recent launching of three web sites dedicated to tackle these issues.
These web sites are “Sugbo Talks Against Red Tape” (START), the “Elections: Cebu Advocates of Reforms and Education” (ECARE), and the Child Protection Online Legal Aid.

To read the full article, click on this LINK.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

COMELEC Election Officers show their Support

The group's efforts pay off. The election Officers of the COMELEC for Cebu City namely Atty. Marchel Sarno and Atty. Edwin Cadungog agree to express their support for the project. Here, the group shoots a video where both election officers express their support and gratitude for the project.

Atty. Marchel  Sarno, Election Officer IV Cebu - North gives his message on the UC College of Law Website Project. 

In the video, Atty. Marchel Sarno says that the project of voter’s registration through the internet is the realization of the vision of the COMELEC which should not end with the agency but rather through the cooperation and strong partnership of the stakeholders.

Atty. Edwin Cadungog, Election Officer Cebu – South sends a message for the UC College of Law Website Project.

In the video, Atty. Edwin Cadunog is thankful for the initiative initiated by the UC College of Law students of IT and the Law subject in creating a website which would help the COMELEC disseminate information on Voter’s Education and Voter’s Awareness to realize the vision of the agency.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Registration for HIV Positive Voters

HIV Positive validating their registration before a COMELEC Information Verification Officer.

The registration of the HIV positive victims was finally pushed through after its postponement during their first registration schedule.  From the expected 100 new registrants there were only 20 of them who made it last Saturday September 24, 2011.  This has been confirmed by their leader who was also an HIV positive herself whose identity we must respect to reveal.  This move has been a breakthrough for these people to finally register themselves, as a pre requisite to exercise their basic and fundamental right to vote in the upcoming May 2013 general elections and the elections more to come.
It is not easy to come out in the open despite the ordeal that they have been facing, some even brought their kids along with them, the kind of courage we should not miss to commend.  

You can find pictures of the event and the other archived pictures by going to this LINK.(note that the HIV Registration is archived under the album Sept. 24,2011)

Our Second Trip to COMELEC Office

From left to Right: Lee Emphasis, UC Law student; Ces Denolan, UC Law Student, Atty. Edwin Cadungog,COMELEC South District Election Officer ; Beryl Mantos, UC Law Student; and Carmi Masangkay, UC Law Student.
We pay another visit to the COMELEC office. This time we are able to see and meet the Election Officer for COMELEC South, District Officer Atty. Edwin Cadungog. During the meeting, Atty. Cadungog expresses his enthusiasm for our efforts and gives us the assistance that we need by providing the data needed to further our efforts. From this visit, we are able to obtain the latest Consolidated Annual Report for the South District which can be found in this LINK or in the Files and Documents section of the site.

Also, we were also able to show COMELEC North District Election Officer Atty. Marchel Sarno our site and he is pleased with our efforts.

COMELEC North District Election Officer Atty. Marchel Sarno takes a peek at our site.
Other pictures of the second visit are available in the Gallery.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our First Trip to COMELEC Office of Cebu City

From left to right: Carmi Masangkay, Lee Emphasis, Election Officer Atty. Marchel Sarno(seated), Ron Poblete, Ces Denolan, and Miguel Esparagera

Last Monday, September 4, 2011, group two of the class of IT and the law under prof. Atty. Gloria Ramos went to pay a visit to the COMELEC office here in Cebu City. The group met with Atty. Marchel Sarno who is the election officer of COMELEC for Cebu City.

The group discussed on what ways the group can provide a lending hand to COMELEC. One of the things that was of importance was what the aspect of the electoral process the group should tackle. This should also be determined in consideration of the fact that not all data that the COMELEC has can be obtained without any authorization.

Among some of the things that were discussed in the meeting or “interview” was what data the group can collect from the COMELEC without infringing any laws. Also, there was also talk about what the general consensus was among COMELEC staff regarding the May 2010 Automated Elections.

On that issue, Election Officer Atty. Marchel Sarno pointed out that although the staff at COMELEC concluded a lesser percentage of success it was still an overall success. To be specific, some of the things that did not help was the lack of transportation and the lack of qualified personnel who were assigned in some areas. This is also further exacerbated by the lack of awareness among the voters themselves. However, he said that these things were minor and he is hopeful they can be fixed in the next automated elections this coming 2013.

Overall, the said meeting was a success. From this point onwards, the group plans another visit in order to focus on what is needed for the successful implementation of the site.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Image courtesy of nazreth of
According to, democracy is defined as:

"a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
 b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections"

The Philippines operates under one such system. However, a closer look reveals that there is actually something left to be desired. There is due discrimination on how candidates win and how candidates lose. Besides that, there is the lack of discipline among among the people. This contrast was clearly demonstrated during the May 2010 elections, when the country experienced firsthand the automated form of elections. It was a success according to some, and it was also a failure according to others too. However, the overall scenario shows that there is still hope.

With that said, we would like to welcome you to our website. We are a group of law students from the University of Cebu. This website is in partial fulfillment of the requirements in IT and the Law subject. As per group decision, we have decided to use IT(information technology) to inform citizens about voter's education. With this in mind, we have tied up with COMELEC here in Cebu City. The COMELEC will provide us with all the needed data that will help us with our goal --  to provide and guide voters about making informed decisions when it comes to one of the most important milestones that happens in every democracy -- the elections.

Please do come back and check this website for more updates.

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